
The proof is in the eating

When King’s Hawaiian announced it was going to locate in Oakwood, Ga., in 2010, Quick Start was one of the main ingredients for success.

“Quick Start was a big part of the incentives,” says John Linehan, King’s Hawaiian executive vice president for strategy and business development. “We didn’t realize how big up front. But it turned out to be bigger and richer than we expected.”

King’s Hawaiian has soared in popularity over the past decade. The company began in Hilo, Hawaii, in 1950, when Robert Taira opened his first family-run bakery. He eventually expanded to California, and in 2012 his bakery in Oakwood opened. Since the company’s initial start-up in Georgia, it has expanded four times with Quick Start as its training partner.

The training ranged food safety to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Company-specific training added unmatched value. Quick Start produced videos describing the company’s “Aloha culture”, and animations of oven operations and proofing boxes.

“It’s just fantastic,” said Mark Taira, CEO of King’s Hawaiian. “Quick Start provides true value.”

Industry Category


Torrance, California

Brand Proposition

We deliver irresistible Hawaii-inspired food and aloha spirit, that families love everywhere, every day.

Technical College Partner(s)

Lanier Technical College

“The job-specific training that went from general to specific and was customized to our processes — even workflow diagrams — really stood out.”

— John Linehan, King’s Hawaiian Executive Vice President for Strategy and Business Development

King’s Hawaiian produces some of the most popular dinner rolls in the country.

Packaging the popular products.

King’s Hawaiian’s distinctive branding is familiar to any regular shopper.