
The Other FIlm Industry

If you eat potato chips, brush your teeth, shampoo your hair or microwave pre-packaged meals, chances are you’ve used Toppan USA’s signature product — GL FILM — and you didn’t even know it.

GL FILM is that thin, transparent barrier used in the packaging of food, pharmaceutical and industrial product that locks in air and moisture when you want it, and keeps it out when you don’t. Toppan’s GL FILM is the industry leader around the world, which is why the Japan-based company opened its first-ever U.S. manufacturing facility in Griffin, Ga., to serve its customers in North, Central and South America.

Quick Start partnered with Toppan to prepare its workforce of nearly 100 employees. In addition to training for technical skills, Quick Start facilitated the cross-cultural training that’s required when an international company is encountering an American workforce for the first time.

“The strong point of Quick Start is that they combined the whole program, and modified it for our operation and our product,” said Sumito Nishimura, manufacturing manager for Toppan USA, Inc.

Industry Category


Tokyo, Japan

Brand Proposition

Breathing life into culture, with technology and heart.

Technical College Partner(s)

Southern Crescent Technical College

“Quick Start is a very powerful tool for attracting a foreign company. Quick Start helps us educate the people on how to manage the Japanese way.”

— Hiroshi “Harry” Suzuki, Chief Engineer, Toppan USA

Toppan’s slitter machine, which cuts the finished film to the length and width specified by the client.

Toppan employees working with the film on the slitter.

Rolls of raw film waiting to begin the coating and vacuum metallization process.

Exterior of Toppan’s facility in Griffin, Ga.

Rolls of raw film waiting to begin the coating and vacuum metallization process.

Kohei Suenaga, Toppan operating specialist, monitoring conditions on the coating machine.

Suenaga (pointing) discusses the process of starting a new roll of film with fellow employee Takuya Nagasato.

GL Film is used in packaging and containers of various shapes, including flexible packaging and paper-based liquid containers for solid and liquid contents, such as general food products, toiletries, medical and pharmaceutical goods, and electronic components.