Covington, Georgia
Georgia announced Quick Start would build and operate the new BioScience Training Center when Baxter International Inc. selected the state for its new plasma fractionation facility in 2012.
From research and development to clinical trials and manufacturing distribution, in Georgia, an idea can be born, researched, tested, commercialized, produced and then quickly delivered anywhere in the world.”
— Chris Carr, Georgia Department of Economic Development Commissioner at the time of the grand opening of the Georgia Bioscience Training Center
The Georgia BioScience Training Center raises the state’s biotech appeal
Georgia won big in 2012 when Baxter picked Social Circle as the site for a biomanufacturing facility to produce therapeutic products derived from blood plasma.
The biotech sector took notice. The Covington facility was so desirable, it’s changed hands three times in the past four years. In January it was bought by Japan-based Takeda Pharmaceuticals, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.
From the beginning, Quick Start and our Georgia BioScience Training Center have continued to provide innovative training support.